Shtebs;373693 wroteThe reason the comparisons are being made to Jesus Christ is not because the Jesus myth is special or unique. It is because it is the current dominant myth that supersedes all other myths currently running due to their larger membership and the incredibly powerful religious political lobby. Christianity is not powerful because of divinity. It is powerful because throughout the ages it's purveyors have worked very effectively to sway the masses and brutally squash and silence their opposition. The main reason it is losing sway now is because it cannot use it's brutal tactics and atheists like Nik, Mark and I are able to speak our minds and question christian leaders' authority. For most of Christianity's history, we would have been put to death for this simple debate. Similar to what is happening in fundamentalist muslim countries now. Also a major reason (but not the only reason) Islam is the fastest growing religion today.
Nik and Mark are not angry, per se. They might be frustrated by the typical form these types of debates with spiritual minded persons takes. They argue using logic, proof and facts and their points are countered with "evidence" such like the bible or statements like "I don't want to live in a world where this is all there is". Basically statements where the point is that the debater is using their own wishes or desires to justify their reasoning because they feel that what they want to be true is so powerful a concept to them it must be true.
I really don’t understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying that Jesus Christ is a myth? I really don’t need to go into the history here, I can let the following excerpt answer this question.
Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth
Paperback by Dr. Bart D. Ehrman University of South Carolina - (Atheist/Agnostic by the way.)
In Did Jesus Exist? Historian and Bible expert Bart Ehrman confronts the question, "Did Jesus exist at all?" Ehrman vigorously defends the historical Jesus, identifies the most historically reliable sources for best understanding Jesus’ mission and message, and offers a compelling portrait of the person at the heart of the Christian tradition.
Known as a master story teller with deep knowledge of the field, Bart Ehrman methodically demolishes both the scholarly and popular “mythicist” arguments against the existence of Jesus. Marshaling evidence from within the Bible and the wider historical record of the ancient world, Ehrman tackles the key issues that surround the mythologies associated with Jesus and the early Christian movement.
In Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, Ehrman establishes the criterion for any genuine historical investigation and provides a robust defense of the methods required to discover the Jesus of history.
I will answer the question for you. Why the comparison always comes back to Jesus
Jesus makes the claim that He is God. He accepts worship, He forgives sin, He states that if you don’t believe in Him you will be dammed for all eternity, He makes the claim that one day every knee will bow and confess that He is God, and He makes the claim to one day rule this earth again and you and I will be accountable. All true, all statements from the Bible.
So if I don't want to believe that I won't. I will try to explain it all away by saying Jesus was a myth. Destroy Jesus and you destroy God. Make the Bible irrelevant, untrue, deny that it is the word of God given to us through man and you take apart the Christian faith. Which is why the Bible itself is under attack. God promises that He word cannot be destroyed but will stand the test of time.
The arguments for the existence for God go beyond the Bible we’ve (Big Mike and Milo) have tried to make arguments through reason and understanding to the questions that have been asked for centuries. God has been defended well. (Not that He needs defending). In the end, we learn about God through creation and His word, the Bible. Like it or not it is one of the sources in understanding who God is. It is the number one selling book of all time for a reason.
Natural Selection and an unguided processes do not explain everything we can see or the unknown. How can it? How can Natural Selection account for morality, good, evil, a conscience? How does Natural Selection deal with free will of mankind? Because in truth, if Natural Selection is it, if that is all we have – survival of the fittest, then anything is up for grabs, and there can’t be morality or good or evil. There is just life, without purpose or design. Because the line is ever changing. "The truth is you can’t have morality apart from religious principles."