kwsteve;355837 wrote
I find that drinking several beers will take care of any nervousness you may have. :)
For depositing I like Instadebit.
yyyeeeaahhhh. I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect the beer, while helpful for the nervousness, might not help my game that much...
Thanks for the Instadebit suggestion. It looks good.
Makaton;355946 wrote...A year from now you'll have made some good progress.
Hope so. I'm building a small business plan/curriculum on what to do and learn each month. A little anal maybe, but it's too easy to fall into the 'I'll do it later' mode if I just wing it. Now if I can stick to the plan....
moose;355948 wroteI have a seat open in my HORSE game next week.
Very grateful for the invite. I would love to, but
a) I had to google HORSE. I had no idea what it meant.
b) I don't know omaha, razz or the high-low variants.
c) I don't even know what split 8 means.
I don't think you want a complete newbie bringing the game to a complete halt. And the complete newbie, in his ignorance, would not have a good time. It would be easier if I just walked in, handed you $100, and left.
trigs;355952 wrotedefinitely read theory of poker by sklansky. great book to learn the basics of poker.
I do find the fundamental theorem of poker intriguing (said in my Spock voice ??? ).
Like most books, there's so much to absorb, and I'm so new, that it becomes a bit much. I will be re-reading and making notes on what to add to my learning plan.
pokerJAH;355955 wrote... I would check out the Red Hot Poker Tour.
Been there, albeit about 5 years ago. It definitely did help with the mechanics. I didn't put any effort into learning how to get better at poker at the time, however. Without any real risk, I didn't have any real motivation.
Thanks, everyone, for your input.