just switched tables so no reads. villain hasn't played a hand yet.
PokerStars - $10+$1|60/120 Ante 15 NL - Holdem - 9 players
MP+1: 8,665.00
Hero (LP): 7,680.00
CO: 3,903.00
BTN: 2,279.00
SB: 7,716.00
BB: 1,121.00
UTG: 7,925.00
UTG+1: 15,791.00
MP: 2,893.00
MP+1 posts ante 15.00, Hero posts ante 15.00, CO posts ante 15.00, BTN posts ante 15.00, SB posts ante 15.00, BB posts ante 15.00, UTG posts ante 15.00, UTG+1 posts ante 15.00, MP posts ante 15.00, SB posts SB 60.00, BB posts BB 120.00
Pre Flop: (315.00) Hero has As 2c
fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 240.00, fold, fold, SB calls 180.00, BB calls 120.00
Flop: (855.00, 3 players) Ac 7s 2d
SB bets 480.00, fold, Hero raises to 1,380.00, SB calls 900.00
Turn: (3615.00, 2 players) 4d
SB bets 1,440.00, Hero ?
7-7-7 vs AA22?
Muddguts;355811 wrote7-7-7 vs AA22?
i'll post results later.
Get it in, theres also AJ+ up in there which negates his nuts only range.
You lost to A7 and 77 under traditional ranges for an unknown. We assume AA would 3b pre and A4 is highly unlikely.
Hero ? hates himself for minraising and then playing a big pot with a2o?
You are a random to him as well. He puts you on A and he has A beat so value bets into you on turn hoping for shove.
moose;355825 wroteHero ? hates himself for minraising and then playing a big pot with a2o?
You are a random to him as well. He puts you on A and he has A beat so value bets into you on turn hoping for shove.
Playing a big pot with A2o? Yes. Min raising? No. What's wrong with min raising here?
You expect bb to fold, considering there is also ante's in the pot? So you are building a pot for nothing, the min raise doesn't narrow his hand range at all. You just came to the table and have no reads so you have no expectation of how villain will play, so why play when bb will have ATC? Now you have burnt 21% of your stack for what purpose? You hit one of the few flops that you could possibly like and met resistance and now pretty much have to hate your hand. Decisions are much easier when you have seen the guy play and know if he is spewy or a nit but now you are playing for stacks with A2 and no reads.
moose;355833 wroteYou expect bb to fold, considering there is also ante's in the pot? So you are building a pot for nothing, the min raise doesn't narrow his hand range at all. You just came to the table and have no reads so you have no expectation of how villain will play, so why play when bb will have ATC? Now you have burnt 21% of your stack for what purpose? You hit one of the few flops that you could possibly like and met resistance and now pretty much have to hate your hand. Decisions are much easier when you have seen the guy play and know if he is spewy or a nit but now you are playing for stacks with A2 and no reads.
So no reason to try to steal until I know the table?
D. Negreanu
trigs;355838 wroteSo no reason to try to steal until I know the table?
Pretty much, yes. :)
A min raise from mid-position in a hand with antes is not a steal - it is an open invitation to see the flop 5 handed, and in this hand, if BB shoves overtop preflop, do you put it in with A2? And why BB called off 10% of his stack instead of shoving, I have no clue.
thanks for the comments moose.
Wetts is close enough I am thinking more the 22 range and on moose note your totally best scenario here your against some one who won't fold 88 or 99 and maybe 56 off suit, my guess is your crushed, should have mucked and played the next one.
Wetts1012;355818 wroteGet it in, theres also AJ+ up in there which negates his nuts only range.
You lost to A7 and 77 under traditional ranges for an unknown. We assume AA would 3b pre and A4 is highly unlikely.
this was kind of my thinking. i figured he would probably have other Aces in his range.
I am wondering if the SB thinks he caught a bingo with 72o but that, A7 and a set are what I can reasonably put the guy on. He could be getting spewy with a solid A but I think, being that hero is new to the table and sb is OOP he is most likely to be cautious with a single pair, even if it is AK or something, he bet into hero, then flatted the flop raise, then bet into hero again on turn. Villain would have to be pretty spewy to be raised twice in the hand and continue betting into that raiser every street and not be ahead. Looks like he is setting up a river shove.
moose;355904 wroteI am wondering if the SB thinks he caught a bingo with 72o but that, A7 and a set are what I can reasonably put the guy on. He could be getting spewy with a solid A but I think, being that hero is new to the table and sb is OOP he is most likely to be cautious with a single pair, even if it is AK or something, he bet into hero, then flatted the flop raise, then bet into hero again on turn. Villain would have to be pretty spewy to be raised twice in the hand and continue betting into that raiser every street and not be ahead. Looks like he is setting up a river shove.
summarized results in white below:
i push all in and he calls with A4o and rakes pot.
He was trying to get you off and bink!
So be it.
getem76;355910 wroteHe was trying to get you off and bink!
So be it.
Im not sure about this, looks more likely that he bet/flat for value otf. I dont think he was playing this hand as a bluff.
GTA Poker