800OVER;356208 wrote There are states where the legislator voted to make it legal to present creationism in SCIENCE class. And that is something that happened recently!!!
And the problem with that is what exactly?
Since the Scopes trial, which the evolutionist lost by the way, they continued teaching the theory of evolution until it became a standard in science.
Intelligent Design (ID) is a theory. One may argue that it is creationism masked so be it. The God particle theory wasn't developed until 1964 and still hasn't been proven. Scientist believe they saw it back in March but aren't 100% sure. It hasn't stopped scientist from teaching about its existence.
That is what a scientist does. He theorizes and goes about trying to prove his theory. ID isn't going away any time soon. The more advance man is getting from a technological stance, the more man is finding out Darwin didn't have all the answers.
Other Nobel Prize Winners on Intelligent Design and Fine Tuned Universe
ALBERT EINSTEIN, Nobel Laureate in Physics (he believed in a God like Spinoza did, but a God who design echoed throughout the universe)
MAX PLANCK, Nobel Laureate in Physics
WERNER HEISENBERG, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ROBERT MILLIKAN, Nobel Laureate in Physics:
CHARLES TOWNES, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ARTHUR SCHAWLOW, Nobel Laureate in Physics
WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Nobel Laureate in Physics
SIR WILLIAM H. BRAGG, Nobel Laureate in Physics
GUGLIELMO MARCONI, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ARTHUR COMPTON, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ARNO PENZIAS, Nobel Laureate in Physics
ALEXIS CARREL, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
SIR JOHN ECCLES, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
JOSEPH MURRAY, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
SIR ERNST CHAIN, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
GEORGE WALD, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology (note: he has quotes which defend atheism & deism)
SIR DEREK BARTON, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
CHRISTIAN ANFINSEN, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
WALTER KOHN, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry