DrTyore;356096 wroteWell shit...
You do realize that I have not A: referenced religion, B: Mentioned you, or C: done anything controversial... I even looked back at all my posts for the last like 1.5 months, nothing religion based at all (May 31st was closest)
So, considering all that...
This thread had nothing to do about religion and the god squad... it was about the hypocrisy and stunning failings of the legal system. You want to bust out religion? You want to suggest I'm looking for an ego stroke? Sweet.. Fine.. Let me loose..
I said nothing about your adult fairy tale... religion was not mentioned by me. The closest I said was that roughly 3+billion people were below average intelligence. That isn't theology, that's math.
I don't know precisely when I'm going to cross the line of what is appropriate here, but... Religion insults me. I'm on vacation and drunk, and I'll fire off... sorry mods!
- Religious people are fucked, the best I can think is that it is a matter of insecurity, insecurity in the matter of being scared of their own mortality, their own unimportance, or the fact that they are tremendously hypocritical..
- You ask how your own personal belief about JC is relevant? It isn't.. but the problem is that JC fans do not just keep their thoughts to themselves. They impose their political / social / guilt-based influence on everything from government policies (eg. abortion, stem cells, etc) to individual guilt and shaming (again, abortion is a prime example), they actively try to influence the macro to the micro. And to top it off, they think they are justified, and ignore their own stunningly over the top hypocrisy. If only the religious folks would fuck off publicly as much as the racists and bigots (yes, yes I did just equate them), and be considered equivalently valid, it wouldn't be as big an issue.
- You wannt bust out god? Fine.. everybody that I've ever known to be a "god-fearing" person is full of shit. They pick and choose the fucking things they like, and ignore the aspects that don't quite fit their lifestyles. Premarital sex? Yup! Lord's name in vain? Yup... fucking MEAT ON FRIDAY? Sure! But are those big deals? No no... times are different, and we need to adapt... but two fucking dudes love one another, and want to commit? Fucking ruination of our fucking society and morals!! Shall I point out it's always two dudes, and rarely vag on vag that upsets people?
- Continuing on that last bit, fuckers feel completely justified in manipulating others / influencing major decisions because some fucknut with a beard they likely made up 2000 years ago may or may not have said so.
- The fact that religious folks need to justify / benchmark their own insignificance is stunning. Heartbreaking update; the earth is more than 6500 years old, people are finite in their existence, and "supernatural" is as valid a term as "make-believe". Couple thousand years ago, fire was supernatural...
Funny story, the most painfully sad or embarrassing thing I have ever been part of in my life? When I was in 1st year University, I went to a priest to chat, to question, and to seek advice. I told my roommates of this, and didn't think anything of it.. About ten years later, two of those roomies were married with a kid, and when I went for a visit, they told me how they now try to live by JC's teachings... I groaned inwardly, but then they told me how my visit to that priest inspired them. I was heartbroken.. I was concerned that they were simply looking for something to take any sort of accountability out of their hands. A year or so after that, the fella left his wife, while pregnant, and moved in with a big-titty gal he knew. I don't blame myself, but I know that part of the justification is from religion....
I hate religion. It is a refuge for the emotionally or intellectually crippled. I'm not saying those are failings in and of themselves, or that people of lesser intelligence or in a state of emotional turmoil are somehow inferior. I am saying however that the fact that those fuckers (i.e. religious types) take vulnerable people, convince and cajole them into their dogma is abhorrent... Priests / lectors / bishops what right have you to tell gay people they can be cured? Fuck you. These are the same assholes that admonish people for being deviant, and then the most "turning around" of people they do is 10-14 year old boys. You want to talk about what is right and natural? Tell me again how you're an expert oh fucknut that swears off of sex!
Religion is a fucking crime. Religious studies? PhD's in religion? Fuck those are the people Philosophy majors should (and likely do) mock. The best thing "god" ever did for me is give me a more impactful way to curse. Seems to me your 2000 year old fucker needs me a shit tonne more than I need him.
Brent, I've never (to my knowledge) called you dumb or naive. You and I have hung out / played poker / socialized /etc etc many times. The few conflicts I can think of is when Kristy, yourself, and I were arguing over gay-ness (hint: You were wrong), and when you got pissed about me saying that "Hveepoker" was likely a douche... well, hey champ... you consult your fairytale book and generate something that makes you not feel like a complete dick.
I'm tired of holding back. I'm tired of worrying about rocking the boat. Religion served its purpose, inspiring great strides in art, social advances, and moral teachings. Tremendously important... about 10 centuries ago. We, as a people, have surpassed that point, and should be looking at an empirical, rational mentality that we can all understand and contribute to.
Religion is the new beta machine.
Of course... Math says there will likely be 3.5 billion dissenters. Fuck 'em
Jeebus Mark, tell us how you really feel . . .
Too much to deal with before work but I will start with this. The people I know whose Faith is strong, who actually "live" their Faith (as opposed to those who pick and choose like you mentioned), are some of the most serene and thoughtful people I know. They do not fear death, and that is certainly NOT the basis of their religious belief. So, while there may be some who fit into that category (Religion as crutch . . . like booze), I think you are way off base . . .
As for the picking and choosing aspect, the whole idea of religion "changing with the times" is why "progressive" Christian denominations are losing members in droves, but those "backward" Catholics are actually growing in numbers (particularly in the Third World). So, again, just a little off . . .
Lastly, as to humanity having "surpassed" the need for Religion. Really? Do you really believe that? Have you seen the world today? What "mentality" could be more "rational" than the idea that we should love others, and treat them as we would ourselves be treated.
In the end, I know I will not sway you one bit on this issue. But consider this: a smart man once said that no one is more wrong than the person who is certain in their correctness. And, though you may despise Religion, and have no use for God, God loves you anyway . . . always has.
Enjoy your vacation.