Take out the courts.
A kid is dead because of an altercation with this guy. This kid is dead because this guy shot him. Does anyone think things would be different if
A: GZ did not have a gun
B: GZ did not - for whatever reasons - decide to follow this kid
Someone is going to say the the kid could have gone and raped someone / stolen something / mugged and murdered, because hey, maybe he was looking suspicious (beyond just pigmentation).
Here's a fun video that I think puts some things into perspective, namely (and ironically everyone who plays poker with more than a passing interest), people are fucking terrible at being unbiased, and not seeing only what they want to see sometimes.
This article linked to the woman who's getting 20 years? How are people not furious? Get rid of the legal trickeries around "well this law that law" and look at it in base terms. One man killed a kid claimed self defense and is found believable because there were injuries and witnesses (NOTE I AM NOT CLAIMING THIS IS TRUE / FALSE / IRRELEVANT). One woman who had legal documentation showing that she feared for her safety from this man she didn't even injure, and she's getting 20 years. Once again, just look at that, and tell me how it makes sense (further note, to the fucker who's about to point out a bit about different charges, or different legal defense, I just said to take that out of the equation, and thank you for proving my point that people suck at removing themselves from their own perspectives).