800OVER;356581 wrote The bible was created by men hundreds of years after the death of Jesus. And as we know groups of men always make the right decisions.
This is true of the bible, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, the bible is a collection of documents and letters. As these are letters and documents that tell of events their authors believed to be true, they
are historical documents. To put them on a level with a work of fiction like the Lord of The Rings is backwards:
- "these documents are fiction because Jesus didn't exist and do those things"
- "Wait, how do we know Jesus didn't exist and do those things?"
- "There's no historical documents!"
There are copies of NT letters dating from within a hundred years of their writing. So 'hundreds of years' is correct for the collecting, but not for (at least some of) the documents therein.
From what I've learned of the process of creating the bible, it's more likely that stuff that could have made it in didn't than vice versa. Which of course assumes that God didn't work it out that the exact books he wanted in, got in. Note that as a protestant, I don't consider several books of the Catholic bible to be scripture.
Translation errors, omissions and additions? There have no doubt been many, but I am not aware of any with serious ramifications theologically. Moses with horns? Never heard that one, interesting, but again no affect on the narrative of what the teaching of the pentateuch is for us today.