pkrfce9;355480 wroteRaise to 100.
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djgolfcan;355482 wroteWith two players in the hand with you, there is a good chance the flatter has an overpair to the board or has a 5. Time to get some value out of your hand and raise it to $80 or so and snap call, fist pump the jam by the guy with the 5.
Well in spite of wanting to catch someone on a flush draw, I re-raised to $72. cutoff folded, SB jammed and as dj said I snap called (hoping he didn't have 10-5)... Well he didn't, he had A, 5... I'm praying no A. no A... Well not for long as these electronic tables don't pause... River another 10...:( $200. down the drain... can't really blame him, just bad luck... again...