ReefAquarium I have a lot of used casino chip racks. They are clear plastic and hold standard casino chips. They hold 100 Paulson size chips perfectly (66.7mm). They say 66.7 on them. They are too small for dice chips (19 fit in a stack). $1 each. First come first served, I'm in Ancaster (Hamilton) ON. Edit:buy 30+ and they are .75 My wife will throw them out soon so grab some in the next day or so.
ReefAquarium Hey Moose, I'm lowering the price to .75 if you buy 30+. They say 66.7 inside. Note: These are used chip racks. They are *NOT* new!
ReefAquarium moose;355420 wroteHow many do you have? I have about 50 left. moose;355698 wroteI'll pick up Johnnies and make it an even 40 for $30 okay sounds good!
moose JohnnieH;355430 wroteCan I get in 10 racks? I have them plus a few extras. Good quality heavy duty racks and Reef probably has 30 left if anyone is interested.
JohnnieH moose;355926 wroteI have them plus a few extras. Good quality heavy duty racks and Reef probably has 30 left if anyone is interested. Thanks. We'll settle up next time we meet. Maybe a long-weekend $5 unlimited rebuy?