Thanks for the trip report. I miss playing the GBH tourneys but it's a little too far for me compared to the OLG Slots & Brantford tourneys. Has anybody ever seen the Spread Limit game aka "No Limit with a $100 Limit" run?
kk_rush;355233 wroterequest to "wash the cards" or request a deck change....but one guy at my table on day 1 was requesting it a lot...really slows play down....and gets annoying.
Losing gamblers will always have stupid beliefs, such as thinking that their chances of winning will miraculously improve just by changing the deck, dealer, chair, etc.
Apparently, he had only played no-limit before and wasn't used to limit plus the kill option. So he was frequently asking (pissing the table off at times with the frequency) if he could raise and, if so, how much. I'm going to give him the benefit of a doubt but it wouldn't surprise me it he was leveling the table. If it is a level and he is at your table, you can assume that he has, at minimum, a strong overpair or the nuts. Knowing this, I was able to avoid losing more money than I did (except the one hand where I had trip sevens and he had a set of jacks on the river...but I digress). Just an FYI. A guy at the table did recognize him as a guy he played with in Niagara...
I don't think he was levelling, as I have played NL at Niagara but having never played a kill game, I have no idea what the raising options are. :-[
As a general rule, I usually don't play that kind of stuff but that Asian guy from point #3 was playing it every hand and seemed to be doing pretty well with it. The last time I was there, it was only on one table....but it seems all the tables have it now.
Wow, I didn't know that the AGCO has approved "Lucky Lucky Flop" :fish: in Ontario. I know that many casinos want to squeeze every last dollar from gambling degenerates, but I didn't think they would bother with sucker side bets in the poker room. What's next, putting a "Lucky Lucky" slot machine beside each poker table >:D so the dumbest players can waste more money between hands?!
I had mistakenly assumed that the smartest people in the casino are in the poker room, but having seen so many gambling and life leaks such as multiple players paying for the useless rabbit hunt even when they are not in the hand, I now realize that most people just want to gamble away money for fun and don't really care about all the other factors that you need to win in the long run.