Judge cites Revenge motive, gives 42 months in prison
Bianca Rojas-Latraverse has been given a stiff jail sentence for masterminding the violent 2011 home invasion, assault and robbery of her ex-boyfriend 2010 WSOP Main event Champion Jonathan Duhamel. The 21 year old pleaded guilty last year to kidnapping, break and enter, and conspiracy to commit an armed robbery for the December 2011 attack.
Shortly after the end of their relationship, she planned and helped execute the crime at Duhamel's upscale condo south of Montreal. Men barged through his front entrance, attacked the poker pro then tied him up before stealing $115,000 in cash, a $10,000 rolex watch as well as his WSOP championship bracelet valued at $50,000.
With 18 months of jail time already served, Rojas-Latraverse will have a maximum of two years left to serve followed by three years' probation. Two other suspects in the case, Anthony Bourque and John Clark-Lemay, are awaiting trial. A 3rd suspect, Andres Valderrama, has already pleaded guilty.