pkrfce9 Later on in that same 1/2 session at Venetian, Mr Hughes has about 600 and I have around 450 when this hand came up. Mr Hughes limps EP. 1 more limper and I'm on the button and find AA. I raise to 10. Only Mr Hughes calls. Flop is K72 rainbow. He doesn't look too interested and checks. I bet 15 and expect to take it down but he check raises me to 30. Well he has at least got a K, maybe a set but I could still be ahead and this is such a small raise relative to our stacks that I decide to call and see what happens on the turn. Bingo! I turn an A. He fires out 80 and puts on the full uninterested look, stretching, yawning and looking around the room. So he has a huuuuuge hand. Maybe AK but more likely 22 or 77. He is pouring it on so strong that I start wondering if he could have possibly limped with KK then just called my raise hoping to trap me? No, that would be insane I tell myself. It doesn't matter. Time to build the pot. Min raises are for sissies. I raise to 180. He jams his stack in and jumps out of his chair. I casually call and flip over my nuts. He yells, 'You fucker! 'and I look up in time to see two Kings flying past my ear. Gotta love Vegas! Easy game. Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta