I'm trying this with an app to see if it is easier to post.
Venetian 1/2. At the opposite end of the table is an ancient guy (like comp) with big sun glasses and a ball cap. I've seen him there before and took him for a reg. His stack is around 600. He is playing kind of trappy and I haven't seen him show down any weak hands. My stack is around 300 as I haven't been at the table long.
He raises to 10 from ep. Folded to me on the button and I just call with KQs. I'm guessing the folders are giving him respect.
Flop comes Q high and he fires 15 while giving me the stare down. I think I could be good here plus I have back door flush and straight potential so I call to see what happens.
Turn adds a gut shot to me and he fires 20 again with an aggressive posture. Is he being an easy read or is he that tricky? I'm not sure so I call.
River is nothing. He rams 60 into the pot with a look that tells me he would punch me in the face if he were beside me. I decide he's doing the strong is weak act and call. He turns over AK and gives me a disgusted look when he sees I called with the best hand.
This tell becomes critical for Part 2 - Mr Hughes Flops a Set.
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I don't get it. You didn't put him on AK because you counted your gutshot as good, yet you felt he was playing worse than Q8?
I really didn't put him on anything specific since this was the first hand I'd seen him active. I didn't expect him to have absolute garbage being an old coot and all but it really could have been 99+ or AJ+.
When he did the extreme strength thing on the river I was pretty sure I was ahead and I really wanted to confirm my read in case we were to tangle again in a really big pot since he had a big stack. This is the significant point.
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