pokerJAH;354574 gets better :)
OK, to continue the story...actually might have confused some of the sessions, but they did all happen, although order may be messed up. Anyways, we head to The Range and sign up for the mixed package which includes the firing of three different machine guns and the "Dirty Harry' package. The DH package includes the 357 magnum used by DH in most of his movies. It was a great experience and highly recommended if you like chicks with guns! They also pick you up and drop you off at the hotel.
After the guns session, we decide to check out Caesars as apparently they have an uncapped 2/5 game. When we get to Caesars it is really dead compared to what we have been use to so we decide to just head back to the Bellagio as it has been kind to us and the crowd is always mixed and lots of table selection.
On the way to the Bellagio we stop at the Lord Brahma temple. I tell Greg to light an incense candle as it will bring him good luck. He just scofts at me and so I light my candle, and he sees the true power of believing about 15 minutes later. We arrive at the Bellagio and I get seated at a 2/5 table and buy in for the max of $500. Greg is still waiting for a 1/2 seat so he is standing behind me watching my session. The very first hand I get dealt KK. Everyone is folding around the table and I am thinking to myself, oh great, we will chop :( I turn to the guy beside me and firmly tell him I don't chop. It gets around to him and he makes it $35. I announce I am all-in and he snap calls. Greg is like, what the fuck?? I am all in the very first hand??? Its a dry board and I flip over my KK and he shows QQ. I double up the very first hand and tell the dealer, "seat open!". Everyone at the table is like, your leaving?? I say, yup...I am freerolling 1/2 :) The guy beside me is stunned... we head over to PH and have a nice dinner at PF Changs courtesy of my new Asian friend :) be continued...