Milo;362820 wroteLast time I looked you need to be in possession of something in order for you to smoke it, right? And possession is against the law. So while the act of smoking pot or Crack or whatever may not specifically be illegal, you are still liable to being charged when you do so.
You haven't checked in a while then. No, you are not liable to be charged. Just like Ford and Trudeau were not charged. That's the point. You have to prove possession. You can't say that just because they smoked it then "de facto" they must have been in possession. There are no unwritten rules in the criminal code.
Harper admitted a joint was passed to him in his youth. According to him, he held it, but did not take a toke because he was "too drunk." Leaving aside the fact that at an earlier interview Harper said he didn't drink, is that possession under the law?
I can tell you are the type of person who will never admit they are wrong, or don't know, about a situation. Even confronted with that evidence you deny. Ok, I'm not going to fight you. The law is the law.
Milo;362820 wrote That being said, anyone who uses the 407 will tell you it is the best highway in this province, in terms of upkeep, expansion, and maintenance.
That's because in the overall scheme of things (compared to the 401) few people use it. Of course it's going to be in good shape.