RAM_Eh;362666 wroteBy this comment 2/3 plus of all teachers should be fired! Wow lots of sudden job openings.
speaking as a teacher, it's more than 2/3. trust me.
EDIT: just because it's been annoying me forever (and ranting helps me get the frustration out):
i work at probably one of the easiest teaching positions in ontario. yet more than 50% of the teachers that i work with i would consider bad teachers. they show up late, leave early, refuse to help students, can't create lessons, can't mark properly, lose students work, just generally don't care about the students, and/or are just completely incompetent in general (such as with basic paper work and organization).
teachers should:
- be forced to explain their curriculum regularly
- be evaluated regularly on classroom management and student assessment and evaluation
- be trained more regularly on updated curriculum as well as updated technology
it should also be way more difficult to become a teacher and to stay in teaching. despite what many think, teachers deserve their high salaries. hell, they deserve higher salaries imo. but they should be held to much higher standards in general. also, the government should be putting WAY MORE money into education. i for one cannot fathom why the education budget isn't the largest budget by far. screw military, space exploration, and even health care (okay, maybe that could be 2nd in line). education is by far the most important aspect of society for not only all of humanity but for the entire planet.