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IamJoFay;353081 wroteThat spreadsheet is slick.
Thanks buddy!!
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**Hi Guys I may just focus on the morning one as im doing good, but i will know in 10 mins. If I dont play the other 2 they will go into the refund bunch.
sick cards
What I realize is a a lot of the money $$ for the Scoops is in the $2100.00s-- over 70% of the 40 m gteed scoop prize pools is in the High events. You only have to play against 1k players or less instead of playing 5k players with longer blinds better structure :(. Was just thinking about this :)!!!
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Damn just bustd with flush d :( Right after a double with As :( than bust the other late was close to money with a stack growing
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1 Ko in the Lo so far $5 though.
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Zoom Plos very fast structure lost a flip early had two sets vs flush draw :(. last hand
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Got our first Ko in the 215 just now :) for $40 bucks or so.
one in the 27 for $5 and one in this one for 40
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Bday coming maybe something special coming from PkStars :)!!???
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Pre game Meal is:
I use to study Nutrition and was a trainer for a little while. For a bit I worked along side some of Canada's Olympic Athletes from the Bobsleigh and Track teams.
Check it out:
All organic salad, with fresh organic herbs and fresh Lemon on top. I use these herbs called Braggs spice which+amazing. Tons of antioxidants and food that is alive to give you energy. Next I use the very best organic tea Kombucha raw organic from synergy fermented-- gives you great energy and replenishes some of that life force it also can help with your focus. I use lots of raw basil in my salad as it is very calming for the nervous system- Sometimes I use Holy basil too which is excellent- Monks use that when the meditate. I use Vital waters from kelowna very active and energized some funky stuff they are doing to the water there.
I may have some free range eggs in the morning, but I don't like to eat much meats well playing. I actually eat alot less and for a while I was a full Vegan for over a year, but it is tough. I definitely would like to keep some fish close by possibly as it has EFAs are essenital, but only the wild good stuff I can find as there is so much farmed food.
I believe it is important to have lots of colors in the foods you eat it helps you replenish and protect your life force. The more colors the more it's going to help your energy too.
I sometimes use Royal Jelly from the queen bee or some Bee pollen which is high in raw amino acids that are very easily absorbable and great for energy. Make sure you're not allergic to bees though. Sometimes it may give you too much energy well playing and best to use when really tired.
Some say gross- I take some raw shots of Wheatgrass and juice some raw organic veggies when really need some more energy.
Now a days as humans the big problem is people are mixing so many different types of foods together all at once. Imo Our bodies can't absorb or break down the foods properly without using some vital life energy to do so. I recommend eating your fruits by themselves about 20-30 mins prior to eating. Eat your meats with Veggies. If you have carbs mixed in don't do it in every meal. Also, if you have carbs by themselves like yams starchy ones add some veggies some fiber that will lower the gi- Glycemic index of the starch and in turn you have better hormonal balance.
Other things I like:
Caocao Nibs- Very high in orac antioxidants
Goji berries-
Raw Organic Almonds- Nuts should be refigerated and when you buy them they should come that way- they can easily go rancid. Almonds are very alkaline higher in Cal/mag
Hemp Nuts- Very nutritious
Coconut water- similar to blood plasma if fresh one of the highest life force foods.
I don't use protein powders our bodies make most of the amino acids and you can easily get the other amino acids from eating good. Unless you're about to compete in the Olympics you're probably okay. Also, you can easily get ripped and in good shape maybe even better by eating good. Your muscles are over 72% water drink lots :) I was under 6% lean with out much shakes etc... That's stuff is hard to breakdown.
**Alwasy before doing any kind of regimen or diet speak to your doctor to make sure it's okay.
Keep me posted what you think, I could write for ages :)
Scoooooooooooops =$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for us Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brain food lol
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Yes and it's my bday!
:) we made some made a small deal. They all had a million in winnings. I nearly pulled the deal at the last second when the guy was getting greedy. This trney was apart of the Package as a last minute. If all cool I pay that out, but it cost me 500 and the other cost me so I was hoping you guys would wipe the refunds for this one as it was 1k, 2 -215s.
I will get the pay outs shortly.
What f grind. Didnt want to leave you guys hanging. Also, I may sell a WSOP package and put that hope shortly so maybe some of you may want to re invest some of this too.
I appreciate all your support. Overall we had a great day today. As/ last time you all made money again :)!!!!
Today we got deep in the 109 fuck 5000 players busted 75th.
Happy Birthday! (In a few hours right?) or is it right now?
You were overdue for a final table and that was one hell of a long final table & cash bubble for sure.
Nice 2nd for points too.
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Hey guys thanks for your support. I was hoping if okay with most to send on Stars?
Please keep me posted?
Pretty Burned out, Lost alot of weight. I think Next time It be good to play more of the bigger events with smaller fields, I know I can smash them :)!!!
Final numbers are: 1% $102.96 Rounded
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** Please confirm names and amount by tomorrow ?
K.O. Kerr
on stars
Nice $$$
Goodjob man!
Nice job
Hobbes614 on PS or you can emt.
Jofay stars.