DrTyore;352534 wroteI was going to ask how much people had back before calling with 55 pre, but it seems based on results that the answer was "plenty".
Yes, enough to make set mining profitable. UTG AND BTN had almost as much as me ($350-ish each) and BB was the only short stack at $175 or so.
anhdy;352539 wroteDid you have any reads on BTN/BB?
BTN was a solid player. She was definitely capable of trying to buy the pot with the $100.
UTG was tight and got tied to big hands easily. Saw him get stacked already with TPTK on an equally dry board.
BB was a big donator. I stacked him earlier as did a couple of others. Was his 4th $200 buy-in by my count, but he was already at the table when I sat down so could have been more.
westside8;352538 wroteNot sure what critique is needed. You played it right, if either played flopped the set, oh well.
Critique is both + and -. Personally, I thought I played it well, but the button did tell me afterwards that she thought flatting the $45 was insane.