BlondeFish;353046 wroteThanks for the tips. I think Circus Circus lets children under 17 stay for free with an adult, but like other Strip hotels neglect to provide child care services. :rolleyes: I think I'll have to pay for somebody to come along just to ensure my child is safe while I'm playing poker.
1. Circus Circus is a dive.
2. Most hotels let kids stay free if you just don't tell them the kids are with you. We didn't pay extra for our kids at TI.
3. I wouldn't take a smaller child - even at 12 and 14 my kids were still apprehensive.
3. I shouldn't have to say this, but, I cannot emphasize this point enough:
NEVER LEAVE YOUR KID WITH STRANGERS IN VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BlondeFish;353046 wroteWouldn't renting a car be better if one is going with family?
Depends on what you want to do. Everywhere we went was accessible by bus and that also meant I didn't have to attend the full shopping extravaganza with the women.
Also, I'm on vacay. I don't want to be saddled with the responsibility of a rental car and navigation.
BlondeFish;353046 wroteWhy, what was on their costumes? My sensory-seeking kid loves to bear hug any costumed character and even strangers. :baffled: Is hugging non-costumed characters like Cleopatra okay?
We saw a Hello Kitty that looked more like Smelly Cat from Friends, a Spongebob that looked like he just washed up on shore, and a strangely deformed/mutated Mickey & Minnie.
And you can hug the Cleopatra with the adam's apple and back hair all you want. Have at er!