A friend wants me to run a NLHE game at his brother's stag and doe. A cash game would be easiest as it allows players to come and go.
$0.50/$1.00 is most likely going to be the limits.
How much rake should I take for the couple do you think?
Any other hints, suggestions or warnings for me?
I would keep it simple and take a buck on the flop and a buck on the turn. However unless you know there are enough players to keep a game running, casual players will never join a cash game.
Casual players are much happier playing a sng where they know exactly how much it will cost them and how much they can win. You could charge $10 and pay out $50, $20, $10 per 10 handed table.
At my cousin's stag years ago, before holdem, we had a glass on the table and put in a buck per hand. Cash played, quarter ante, $5 max bet. Dealer's choice garage games, stud, draw, etc.
don't think rake would matter at a stag. I would rape them for 5% no max per pot. Nobody will notice, or likely care. Might be easier to do 1/2 with any buy-in.
^this as long as the guests know that the rake is going towards the couple.