Introducing The Lair:
It has been a few years but TG Poker is back. After a few years of not building any tables I had to make the decision to fold or re-open bigger, better and stronger. I chose the latter. I have moved into a class of my own, not only with my beautiful custom made poker tables but I will also be your one stop Man Cave shopping option. As I re-brand my business I will be introducing rec room bars complete with installed keg fridges and taps. My store (opening soon) will also feature everything you need for your bar, shadow boxes for sports jerseys and other collectibles, dart board cabinets as well as other cool gaming and beer related stuff. As always I will offer everything you need for your home poker game.
Here is an update on what is currently under way.
For now I am extremely busy taking custom orders for poker tables and I will be creating a new website showcasing everything available. I have recently moved into a new shop in Brantford. A temporary retail area is in place with the main and more permanent area currently under construction. For now all meetings are done by appointment but starting probably in September the store will be open daily.
I am excited about what is to come.
I will continue honouring my prices on my website for now so get your order in quick. Tables start at $249.
Good to see you back.
Thanks moose. Its been a tough couple of years. Excited about the future.
I go to Brantford once in a while, I might come by and check it out. What street is it on?
Big poker sale to celebrate my re-opening and free poker tournament next weekend. I'm putting up all the prizes and the winner of the tourny gets a poker table. I will post all the details no later than Sunday.
I just posted the free tournament in the Tournament section. Check it out and I hope to see you next weekend.