Milo;354473 wroteGreg . . . just a thought, but perhaps you are being too critical of yourself. While it is good to analyze your "game" in order to improve, you must also take an objective look at your skills. As you are obviously going to have somewhat of a bias in this regard, you would need to discuss some of what you discover with trusted players of a skill level similar or ahead of yours. One other thing to consider is this . . . even though these are relatively small amounts that your backers are contributing (full disclosure, I am one of them) do you not think that the continued interest shown in each of your BAPs is an indication of what your backers think of the caliber of your game? Just a thought . . . and when you DO come back to the BAP lists, I am reserving my usual 1% right now.
jontm;354475 wroteWas following your tweets and it seemed like you were having a tough go, but your still obviously one of the toughest live players on here. Break can't hurt but I'm thinking you had a run of bad luck period.
Always fun to cheer you and Steve on.
PocketsTwos;354477 wroteHey brother...we all run into bad runs sometimes....we have to take the bad with the good. Take away what you can from it after you analyze your play, the rest is just poker/variance. I was holding my own on my tripto the WSOP and ran into some bad hole cards for twos hours straight. Your skills haven't deminished...just ride the wave out and continue to do what you do best. Thanks for the BAP op!!!
Thanks guys, I appreciate the encouragement. Not to worry, I've been playing this game long enough to understand bad runs, etc. It's just super frustrating, and has an ability to mess with your mind. I personally believe in playing through the run bad periods.
All I’m saying is that until I’m confident that I’m giving my backers my "A" game, I’m going to hold off on playing with their money. I actually enjoy putting up the BAP, I like knowing that there are others out there sweating my game, and I feel good when I’m able to add additional value to a BAP'ers investment. I will still be playing, already starting to think about the next event to go to. Just going to pause on posting BAP’s for the next couple of events until I’m confident that the BAPers are getting the proper value out of their investment.