DrTyore;351768 wrote
The first raiser has a hand he likes, and you have a mediocre hand. If there was no raise in front of you, and you had a good position, I don't mind raising either. I tend towards 2.5-3xBB myself, depending on the table of course, sometimes you have to up that or can lower it.
So in this position for such a small raise I put a guy on suited connectors or Aq or A10 or something. I figure the small raise as an attempt to prevent much raising because anyone with a similar hand now is just going to call.. unless they have a really nice hand in which case they reraise and you bought some information. So I disregard the raise and continue on with my plan.
It was still a moderate hand imo and I feel like it gets rid of other limpers, which would have called if I called..maybe.
DrTyore;351768 wrote
When you re-raise, it shows a lot of strength, but in this case you don't have a lot of strength.
I have been watching poker on TV and taking some advice in this very forum.
I have been told the correct order of operations in this situation is
I gave myself the appearance of strength should I need to attempt to bluff, I have a sneaky hand if I hit and its still a very moderate pot to bale on.
I am prepared to invest in the pots I plan to play..Im sure poker software would spot this as a leak.. Im sure that makes me a loose player but thats my current thinking.
IDK .. I still don't think it was a bad play. But I bow before you all - I dont consider myself anything more than an occasional player.
For you all it just means you have to widen your range on me :-\