$100 buy in - Live event 50 players - 3 tables left
Blinds 100 200 ante 25. In the cutoff.
Raise to 525. Two callers.
I have 99.
Flop comes 678. 1 Check to me. I bet 800 into about 2k. Player left of me calls, other folds.
Turn comes 7 (now two diamonds on board as well)
I shove for the rest 4300 (over pot size bet)
Guy thinks about it. He has 65 diamonds (2 pair with low straight and straight flush draw. Tanks and calls.
River is a 6. He makes a boat and I am out.
Thoughts on how I played it. I knew I was ahead on the turn. Knew lots of outs to get beat so I thought a shove on turn (over pot size bet) was my best move.
In your heart you probably know the answer.... Put yourself in the other guys shoes.. What do you do then?
Card Dead
How can you KNOW you are ahead on that board? That hits the range of sooooo many calling hands, it's sick. So there's no way you put V on a range like 45s, 67s, 78s, 66, 88 or 9Ts? Really?
And how does the turn card make you feel better about your hand? If you thought you were ahead on the turn, why not on the flop?
Maybe it's just me, but I'd feel better about an OP and open ended on an unpaired board than a paired board.
IMO, flop bet is way too small and then shoving on the turn made no sense.
Why overbet shove turn when you know your ahead? You obviously shoved for protection since you were scared and not 100% sure if you had the best hand...
Flop bet puts you in a really weird spot, since u have a little bit more then a pot sized bet.. so I'd either
A) bet a little more on the pot, so you can jam turn...
B) Bet a little less on the pot, so you can bet turn, jam river..
I'm not a big fan of your shove on the turn though, but I don't also think it's awful in a cash game, where you will get lots of folds..
Thx for the opinions. On further reflection I could have easily received a check behind on the turn thus resulting in check call bet river situation resulting in chips left in play.
Should of raised preflop to squeeze. If the guy is raising 65s in cutoff then he probably has been opening wide n stealing alot. Btn n sb basically revealed they had weak holdings by calling. Flop bet was alittle small. Anyone with a draw or overpair is coming along. any 10 or 5 on turn is gonna kill your action. And you wouldnt want to see any other card even a 9. Turn jam isn't terrible but checking would leave you in a really bad spot on turn check call leading to the river. in spots like these i would go for pot control.