Assuming it's not against the house rules:
In a situation where you are the only two players in the hand, would you consider it unethical if one of you showed your opponent your hand to get a read?
If he wants to show me, I have no objections...
An interesting question IMO
I personally think that the most irritating part of the game nowadays (and for some time I suppose) is all the jackasses that do the ego pose. I'd say that for 99% of the people reading this, your showing a card isn't going to give you a magic read that will put you into a zen like call state. Most often, and I see this a lot, you'll come off as a dick who's trying to angle shoot.
I hate when at the end of a hand people will announce their hand ("two pair"). Great dickwad, show them. Two pair can easily be beat on most boards, especially without knowing which two pair. This becomes especially exasperating in cases where it was said "as a joke".
Card Dead
I love it when someone shows me their hand before they act. Most ppl who do that aren't good enough to get a read anyways, so most of the time they are susceptible to false or even phantom tells and make then wrong decision just as often as they would have otherwise.
If I could just get people to show their cards preflop I'd be all set ;)
i don't think it's unethical. i also will never do it (or extremely rarely - maybe in a fun home game where i'm mostly just playing to have a good time).
btw, showing hole cards was one of the best additions to pokerstars (somewhat) recently. i get people showing their hands all the time now.
It's perfectly fine in a cash game, but a few dumb casinos such as Seneca disqualified your hand as dead if you revealed it before showdown. In a tournament, I understand Matt Savage's point that it could unfairly affect other player's tournament equity. For example, a short stack may want to show his good hand on the bubble in order to make the big stack fold, but this would affect all the other short stack players in the tournament who want the all-in to be called and hopefully eliminated so that they make the money.
I have showed one card a few times in a cash game heads up. Played right, it can get a player to call or fold.