Young Grimm
My regular monthly home game. I am considered to be pretty tight and my opponent has a pretty wide range. Starting stacks $25, I have about $40 at this point and blinds are $0.50-$1. My opponent has about $25. He raises from early position to $1.50, two callers plus me on the button with KQc. Flop comes Kh 8c 5c. He bets out $4.50, fold, fold and I call with TPGK and second nut flush draw. I call. (thoughts on raising here?) Turn is 2c. He bets about $9. I call. (thoughts on raising here?). River is a blank. He checks and I check behind. I win the showdown with my flush he had JJ but no clubs.
How would you have played this? Did I miss bet(s) or raises? I honestly didn't know if he had the nuts and wanted to get me to bet or what he was playing.
As an aside, one of the callers who folded to the $4.50 showed us A6c after the hand was done...could've been some fireworks!
I probably re-raise on that flop as once the flush comes, some players won't put anymore money in the pot. You can't be afraid of a bigger flush draw. I don't mind a call on the turn, although another club likely would kill your action (the call hides the fact that you have a flush). I am definitely getting it in on the river and never checking it down with the second nuts. Scared poker is losing poker!!!!!!!
Pushing on the turn is ok as well.
What did A6c fold on the flop for $4.50 in a multi-way pot with the nut draw?!?
I would have flatted the flop and pumped the turn. If nothing else I would have bet the river.
Knowing now that he had jacks, there wouldn't have been a payoff, but you definitely missed out on some value.
If the BB is $1.00, how can he raise to $1.50?
I am fine with the p/f call, as well as on the flop. I would not have raised.
I would have raised the turn with the 2nd nut flush. Either you win it right away, or you get a better gauge on what he has.
Smooth call flop.
Put him all in on turn.
A LAG player minraising early position gets 3 callers and bets 3/4 pot first to act on that flop. i Would put him on AA-99, AK-KQ-KJ-KTs, AXcc & QJ-Q9cc. You're way ahead of his range here so i would of elected to reraise on flop for several reasons. First to apply max pressure on the other callers between the two of you. Second you will less likely get action if a club comes off on the turn THEN you reraise him. 3rd it disguises your hand better. You could be playing str/flush draws on that flop. Giving you additional bluffing outs even if you were just on a club draw and missed.
But in hindsight now knowing his exact holdings. Check calling was the flop and turn was the ideal move. Only thing that would of been better would be a small value bet on the river. He's pretty much given up trying to rep that King. What would bet flop,turn and check river? QQ-99, KJ-KTs, a paranoid KQo is at the very top of his range. All of which would of called a smallish bet on the river.