Played Zoom table's for several hours yesterday and checked my stats when I was done. My ration was 14/1 for hands folded/played. In the end I was up a couple of $$, but for the amount of time I put in I would have like to have been up more.
Wondering if I'm playing to tight? Or not tight enough?? What's everyone else's ratio?
Play Zoom more aggressively in late position. There's a lot of blinds to be stolen as a lot of players are auto-folding and already moved onto the next table.
Play profitable situations post-flop. Since the players are always rotating, you have to make your decisions based on the board, odds (real, pot and implied) and position.
1/14 would give you a preflop range of 88+,AQo+,KTs+ ATs+ which is too tight (All be it a small hand sample)
You do have to open up your hand ranges and play more situations, especially since the other players don't know much about you. I like to play a lot of suited and connected cards. So many players over-play big pairs and big aces. You definitely should take advantage of it!