So a Poker club i'm in has weekly trivia contests now where if you get the answers right you win some rebuy/add on chips.
Last week was a question about Casino Royale with 4 questions.. of the 60 people who submitted an answer nobody got all 4 questions right... the 4 questions were.
1. Name the movie where the hand was from.
2. Name the player with the second nut
3. How much was in the pot?
4. What other than money did Bond win playing poker in the movie
Pretty straight forward.. now questions 1 and 3 are open and shut.. its just the other two that are bothering.. the player who had the second nut was Le Chiffre and he won his Car early on in the movie... only thinking there is maybe it is a trick question or something.
Anyways the questions are the same this week instead there was a question asked about the film Maverick... asking what was the cardinal sin Did Mel Gibson's character commit.