yo corey
u beast so fucking hard in PLO mtt's why dont u play cash games??
i think ive asked this before, but u should take advantage of fpp/vpp and a sick win rate because u are so gootz at the 4 card pot limited hold thems
GTA Poker
'bout time you learned something
fml Ill be snowboarding this week and won't have a connection
You going to try the new versions they are introducing?
PokerStars About to Go Live With Four New Omaha Variants
This strikes me as one of the most pathetic promos ever. Deposit $20 for 3 $1.50 Omaha sng tickets? 5 fpp tourneys paying $500. Oooh. I can hardly contain my excitement.
since i'm a newb in plo, i thought i'd actually do this quiz and practice some low level omaha.
i started the quiz and got to around question 9. then the website froze and would not load the next question. i tried to refresh the page a few times and it still would not get past question 9 so eventually i just gave up. next day i thought i'd give it another go to see if it would work. i logged into the site and it wouldn't let me do the quiz saying that i already tried it and failed. :bs:
Making the most of one of my free tickets - currently in 1st in a $1.50 Big O tourney.
22 left/288
Whee final table. 6th for $18.75
kudos to Stars
The added big g'tee 'Omania' tournies that ran during PLO week were all kept on the schedule......albeit with lowered g'tees, but at least there are 4 daily PLO tourneys in red which will attract big fields (at least for PLO standards).
Now.....if only FTP and Party could do something
Too bad they only ran 45 man $1.50 PLO tourneies during Omaha week. It would have been nice if they ran 180 man $3.50, 8 or 15's to see what the turn outs would have been.