payperview So I played in the poker room Monday and Tuesday night. They had 1-3 NL on 3 tables the first night and 2 on the second. There was zero interest when I tried to make a 2/5 or 5/5 game. The room consisted of nitty regs excluding one player to my left. i was curious to know if this one hand was an angle or common at casinos. I open to 6 and villan to left makes it 16. H/U to the Js3h4h flop, I chk call his $25 bet, turn 5d, i chk, he bets $35 and raise to $80. At this point he grabs his $120 left moves it all in slowly leaving a finger on his top chip then pulls the stack back. I was like wtf isn't that an ai. The dealer said as long as there is a finger in the chips it isn't. He tanks 2 more min the ships. I call and he showed 26 off for nut str8. I told him was a fucking moron for trying to angle me and I would have paid him off even if he had an over pair, due to his aggressive play. He said he didn't do it on purpose so I said what were you trying to do, his answer was I don't know. I reload next hand and he cashed out. What a dik move. Is it just me or is this move all not that uncommon? I ended up just over $200 on the trip however with more time it could have been juicier. I recommend more players play Windsor when in the area.
Card Dead Definitely an angle shoot but as a reg he knows what he can get away with. The bigger issue is that the casino allows this kind of BS. One finger on the chips? PUHLEEEZE! Total rinkydink operation, imo. I think I'll stay away.
Jacen299 moose;349692 wrotestopped paying attention after 26 was the nuts. sure. Can you make up a flop, turn and river that 2 6 is nuts?
Hobbes Meistro;349730 wroteany board containing three six's or three two's ought to do it. What if it's 22277? :D