stpboy Just getting back into the game again after being on hiatus for awhile I run into this situation in a deep stack sit n go, KW Grudge Match fwiw. I'm sitting pretty with 6 players remaining in the finale of this tournament. Everyone is extremely deep considering the blinds but we're getting to the point where pf raises do mean something. I'm in the sb with 44 when the button raises standard 3.5x. I have a lot of respect for the button, typically plays premium hands and from what I know doesn't get out of line to much. She also doesn't show down very often so i'm basing my read on the few sample size of hands that I had seen....premium. I call and the bb calls. Flop comes 874 rainbow. I check, bb checks button fires a pot size bet. I re-raise to 3x. bb folds. Button pauses for a second and calls. Turn is an 8. I bet, she raises me all in and I go into the tank. I have close to 70% of my stack in the pot at this point however with the blinds being what they are and feeling that I am good enough to come back from this huge loss I could potentially fold. I'm just wondering if I am reading way to much into this. The way I see it is that I have the 4th best hand. I'm sure we've all folded the 2nd best hand before in some situations (well I have) and i'm just questioning if this is one of those times or if I'm really seeing monsters under the bed? Thoughts? stp
compuease stpboy;349461 wroteThat certainly crossed my mind. stp so you folded with 70% in and with a set? I couldn't do that, especially against someone who has been known to overplay an over pair, like me..:-[
stpboy No I didn't end up folding my boat however the fact that I strongly considered it got me wondering about the play. I think most people snap call here. Sandy ended up having 89 or something to that affect. Possibly A8. Either way, I took down the pot. stp
djgolfcan I've trapped Sandy like that before as well. I flop a set and she cant fold her over pair. I'm never folding a boat there. If she has 8-8 or 8-7, good for her.