Strictly a rumour at this point...from
Las Vegas Advisor:
February 21, 2013 10:21 CET Caving on Resort Fees?: It was Wednesday afternoon that we first caught wind of a breaking story that Caesars Entertainment was pulling a complete volte-face and that after a long-running "no resort fees" campaign, which included having indignant showgirls from
Jubilee! stopping Strip traffic to protest the iniquities of other hotels' mandatory nightly add-ons, not to mention former
Peepshow star Holly Madison prominently displaying the "No Resort Fees!" rallying cry on the bosom of a custom t-shirt, the company would be implementing nightly resort fees ranging from $10-$25 at all of its Las Vegas properties, commencing on or shortly after March 1.
Some calls placed immediately to a number of CET-property front desks were consistently met with reactions ranging from bewildered ignorance of any such move, to passionate denial, and when calls and emails to both CET corporate PR
and the blogger who originally posted the story went un-returned, we held off posting the story assuming official confirmation or denial would follow shortly. But not only did no response materialize from any source overnight, but today the blog entry in question has
mysteriously vanished. There have, however, been other tangential indications that the story is legit. But in the ongoing absence of any official comment, we can only continue to report on the speculation. Watch this space for updates.