Macke;348970 wroteI need to learn to give up my BB more often... just gets me into trouble... but I just hate having my chips be dead... so here is the last tournament hand I played...damn tournaments.
So... I have 40,100... for this hand the blinds are 1k/2k (though while the hand was being dealt they went up to 2k/4k so I'd only have 10bbs..grr... but of the 25players left or so still would leave me probably top 5 in chips was chip leader at table)
Anyways in BB I have..queen 5 clubs and am min raised.. I call to see flop... it was a pretty decent flop of
Q, 4, 6.
Me: Check
Him: 6k
Me:...all in.. just wanting to take the pot right there.
He gave me a speech saying how I was trapping or something blah blah and then 2 minutes later he called and shows AK and hits ace on river to cripple me.
How to fold BB?
Your only 75% on the flop.. 1/4 times ur still going 2 lose (If you know he has AK.. Blah blah)
Fold BB..
Hell 75bb deep Im not playing Q5s OOP let alone shorter and on the bubble..
There is 2 things for you 2 put into consideration.. Think about how some of the Turbo HU grinders and Hyper SNG grinders make money, watch them for a bit, and see how wide they shove and how light they call (Your calling ranges are going be be tighter becuase they are obv tighter then ur avg player)
Then think about "What if I shoved Q8o on the bubble with 10bbs into the SB and BB that have 10BB as well" -
- Do you think they are going to call you light? NO
- Do you think they will ever play back? NO
When I was playing a live mtt here in Calgary a few weeks back, I had a pretty big stack and had 2 NITs to my left just trying to cash, it was near the bubble.. and I was raising any 2 on the button..
I got away with like 5-6 steals and then I raised 3/4o and the BB hesitently went all in with AJo, I obviously had no fold equity, and called and he made fun of me for the next 2 hours at how stupid I am 2 call him with 3/4 when I was getting litterly 5:1 on my money...
Even though I doubled him up and he came in second in the tourny after, (I won it BTW) but aggression is your friend..
When you are playing near the bubble getting short, your thinking to yourself in the BB.. PLEASE FOLD TO ME, PLEASE PLEASE..
Play more position, ur BB your should be losing you equity in the Long run, don't worry it happens, don't defend it OOP..