wildbill7145 costanza;347702 wrotewhy dont u guys just play? no need for an "invasion"... just play I honestly think waiting around for as long as we can will result in a funnier situation for when he returns.
SuperNed costanza;347702 wrotewhy dont u guys just play? no need for an "invasion"... just play Because
wildbill7145 Wife suggested snow day sexy time. He said "but the guys on the forum...?" Wife gave him an ultimatum. He said "Welp, sorry guys."
SuperNed wildbill7145;347705 wroteI honestly think waiting around for as long as we can will result in a funnier situation for when he returns. You do realize that people are still waiting for him to post his MiniFTOP's results for his stakers right >:D http://www.pokerforum.ca/f86/miniftops-make-me-offer-29869/index2.html We may never see him in this thread again :-\
wildbill7145 Got caught up sitting in a parking lot watching a snow plow making huge lines of snow and remembering his last experience with hookers and blow.
wildbill7145 Thought it a lovely day for a snowshoeing adventure. Had to take a dump and got stuck to a frozen seat in an outhouse on the trail?