Wolffhound One of my 2013 Poker goals was to get out and play live more often, this is the first/best opportunity I have to get out and stick to that goal. Hoping to sell up to 50% at no Mark up. Will play regardless. Prefer to sell in 5% blocks. 5%= 4.00 10%-8.00 Ship to Wolffhound on P* and Full Tilt $ 80 Deep Stack Type Weekly Date: Feb 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Location: Brantford Buy-in: $65.00 Est. Prize Pool: $4,800.00 Admin. Fee: $15.00 Description: This is a no-limit freeze-out style tournament. Rungood Squad- Str82ace - 10% paid * JohnnieH-10% Paid * Hobbes- 10% Pinhead-10% Wildbill- 10% Paid * Sold Out Bought my seat today to get that outta the way.
wildbill7145 I'll take the last 10% if it's still out there? Crap, never mind. Just realized it was all gone.
Wolffhound wildbill7145;346730 wroteI'll take the last 10% if it's still out there? Crap, never mind. Just realized it was all gone. Hope you read flops better then you read posts although it could be confusing...they took 10%=8.00...40% sold so far 10% remains, will reserve for you till you confirm yes/no.
wildbill7145 Yes please. I honestly have no idea what I was thinking, but I do know I just woke up from a nap I must have needed. Anyhoo, thanks for the reserve. Just sent it.
[deleted] GTA Poker;347015 wroteGood sign when one of your baps sells out faster than a resident pro Gl Good sign that resident pro is playing 1ks instead of 80$ mtts Gl wolffy , ship this bitch
Milo GTA Poker;347015 wroteGood sign when one of your baps sells out faster than a resident pro Gl something to be said for feeling like you'll actually get paid, too . . . TiD, wolffie
Wolffhound Trip Report- Tourney sold out, 80 runners, top 9 pay, 1st was 1650 down to 9th-96 Started on time, real interesting collection of players. Seems like most all the ppl knew each other. Was at same table for all 11 levels. 15000 Starting Stack, 15 minute levels, blinds are Turbo like, Antes come in on Level 4 and get big fast. Turbo like for a "deep stack". Tourney starts at 11 and apparently usually ends by 4-4:30. (I went out 38th a little over 3 hrs.) Card dead for majority of Tourney, 2 pkt pairs, 5's and 10's. AQo once, everything else was Q4 etc. Got ~ orbit a level in for first 5-6 levels, then ppl start Hollywooding as blinds move up. Was dealt ~ 100 hands. Only a couple hands of interest, made a set with the 5's at 25/50 and won a smallish pot. Rivered a straight after calling min raise on the Turn after firing twice with a nut flush/gutshot draw. AQ and 10's a few walks and few blind steals with 108s etc and that was that. The second hour was my downfall, I failed to find/recognize spots/aggression to build a stack that could handle the rising blinds/antes. After the second break with 50/80 players left and the blinds at 600/1200 ante 100 (i think) there were short stacks all in every hand and they all beat me in there. Made a final stand with about 7ish BB at 800/1600 300 ante with Q8cc vs BB's Axo. No help and I was out 38ish of 80 players. Thanks to those that BAP'd, appreciate the support. I really did enjoy getting out to play live. Wish i had found a gear and or recognized the spots in that 2nd hr to build the stack. Overall experience was positive, 4 out of the 5 dealers I had were decent. Last dealer had a horrible time handling the 3 way all ins/stacks and was far too passive in dealing with who had what. TD stepped in at one point and started sorting stacks and commented 3 times that as he saw the dealer doing nothing, he thought he should. Players didn't compare to what I see at Royals etc. Some bizzare play got rewarded (doesn't only happen online or to DJ). I am looking forward to getting out again. Thanks again to those that BAP'd. I have some prep work for my next trip to BBC that I am going to put in on P*'s that I'm going to freeroll you guys in. Till next time, thanks.