SpicySalmon Was in a 2c/5c game with $5. After just a few hands I picked up AhQh in the small blind against a loose agg in the big. V has around $6 at the time. Unopened pot so I 3x raise to .15 and he made it .40. I repopped him to 1.15 and he called. Flop 8s9sJh, I checked and he bet around half the pot, I mucked. Thought about flatting his .40 pre but I decided to 4 bet since his 3 bet range is fairly wide in my opinion and I don't like to play without the lead OOP. Your thoughts?
anhdy that board probably fitted his 4bet calling range in position against you High suited connecters KQs-98s like you said he was a loose agg. I probably would of call his 3bet to let him keep all the garbage in his range and let him barrel into you. But that flop looked like it connected with his range. Maybe next time just call or even complete the sb to add some deception. He wont raise you lightly if he knows your capable of limping sb with AQ. But as the first reply said. Shouldnt overthink to much at 2/5c
Tonychanman I would have Cbet to rep the high pocket pair / semibluff with A high with the gutshot. Though I think it depends on your image, if you've got a tight image, then he may fold to your bet. If you're a loose agg too, then maybe not. By checking you give him the advantage. As played, I would much as you did, or check raise, most likely all in since you don't have that much more behind.
JimmyHo SpicySalmon;346642 wroteI checked push you win, check you lose. You raise 20BB pre and check? he puts you on AK/AQ.