pokerJAH;346325 wroteguess its good to know what kind of hands this LAG has showed down before. You concluded he was a LAG somehow. If you put him on QQ or KK, then call. If he is a cannon, its an easy call.
LAGs will call with any two cards so he could have J7, 47 or J4 or my favourite 56. As noted, don't think he has a set, unless he knows you will call the shove with an overpair. I always hate calling off my stack with one pair in a cash game. Really player dependant.
He was calling a lot pre-flop, and making big moves post-flop, without a showdown yet, and he'd made about $100 from this already, so I concluded he was a fish trying to intimidate the table. I always seem to find myself in these top pair/overpair dry flops and a calling station goes crazy on me raising my c-bet big or betting big before I can c-bet, and I have no idea what to do but fold because I feel whatever he is going crazy with I can't beat.