Tcarnage;348704 wroteHow many people u playing for the SNGS? 9man? 18? 27? 45?
I'm going to try this in a day or two just to see how I do :D
All 9 man SNG's. If I do decided to hold another challenge, I may make it a 45 man or something else. The payouts on the 9man at this level are tough if you're not in the money at least 40%
Irunit4times;348734 wroteHey AJ, let me know when your going to ship as I have checked and possible I may have missed it but I havnt recieved anything yet.
Lemme know
Couldn't find your P* login name, and was going to text you about it, but time got away from me, and I forgot. PM me your P* login and I'll send it to you in the next day or two.
I may or may not do a March challenge. Haven't decided yet, and with other life obligations right now, not sure if I can commit the time. If I do, I may make it a multi table challenge or something.