Da Donkstomper!
For me. At my last trip to Vegas.... Sat down at 1-2 NHL game. Guys around me started telling me about this super serious no fun guy that was seated in the chair beside me... Guy was apparently a real downer in a real fun game.
When a guy came to buy in I said (and I quote) :" This is a fun table. I hope your here to have fun, the last guy was a really dick apparently"
When the guy went to the cashier to buy chips... The guy beside me told me... Dude... That's the same guy!
True story.
I had to act semi drunk rest of session so I didn't seem like such a tool!!
I think I failed!
Don't take this personally but u have the worst screen name I've ever seen lol
Dumbest thing I ever did at the table was last year when I had a live missclick and gg'd a live mtt
Worst part is I had over half my action sold lol
Da Donkstomper!
I've seen worse...
Da Donkstomper!
And I don't take offence at all
1st time at the Casino to play poker (10 yrs ago), it was limit hold 'em - I had A-4s and the flop came 2-3-5 rainbow and I didn't know if you could make a low straight A-5 or not. I tried to ask the dealer, who said I couldn't while the hand was in play and I couldn't ask another player. I ended up folding.
Same session, I have 7-7 on a flop of 7-2-2 - I lost to 2-2. I should have taken the hint and quit right then and there.
My second time playing at a casino
I get aces and am on a table with a bunch of older and some drunk chinese guys.
I decide "ha Im just going to limp and have them raise and re-raise with their 2-5 and king 10s"
Well.. they didn't raise and the flop came 5-4-8 then turn was 5.
I call out the older dudes hand "6-7" about 3 or 4 times and then I shove... he calls and has 6-7.
GTA Poker
Folded nut low on river in live Omaha 8 game 10+ years ago... The game was in three back of a Chinese restaurant... Good times
After playing home games for a year or so, friend and I decided to head to River Rock for the first time.
Nervously waited to get seated at a cash table. Upon sitting down, I announced "Hope this goes well, it's my first time in a casino!" Stupid, stupid, stupid. Within 1/10th of a second all eyes were on my meager chip stack.
Managed to luckbox my way to about $150 profit after a few hours of pissing people off. When we left we both thought we were going pro. Boy did that dream ever get crushed.
Back when I first started played.....
Went to the Great Blue Heron to play 5-10. Got A4dd UTG+1 and limp for $5. MP raises to $10, everyone calls back to me and I figure "Arag can't be good here" and fold. The flop comes 235ddd......raiser was aggro and had q10dd and someone turned 2 pair.....ah, back in the days.......
was playing 5/5 and at this club where they play the 2/7 game (if you play 2/7 and it wins the hand, every other player pays you $5 each). My first time there and I get dealt 2/7. Seen a couple other players get fancy with 2/7 so why not get into the spirit. Make it $30 pre and get 4 callers. Miss the flop completely and bet out $100. Get one caller (there is a flush draw on the flop). Turn is a brick so we both check (figured I have lost enough money with this stupid 2/7 game already). River is a 2 and we both check. He announces he has Q high and was on a flush draw and I muck (too embarrassed that I bluffed off with 2/7), and thinking I lost to queen high. After the hand I realized I would have won the pot w a pair of twos.
Mine was at a MTT at the GBH.
I raise with A2 double suited in clubs in the cutoff and get called by the SB and BB. The BB almost always donk bets any flop that does not contain a A. I told myself I was going to raise him no matter what the flop.
The flop comes Qc 9s 3c and the SB checks, BB leads out with 1/3 pot. Having the nut draw I raise him and then the SB ships it in. BB thinks for a minute and folds. I call as I have him covered and the cards are turned over.
SB shows 10c Jc and I turn over......A2 of DIAMONDS!!!!! Fuck me! the cards were not even the same colour! I was sure embarrassed.
Anyways the board runs dry for both of us and I win with ace high. Both the SB and BB were pissed.
Later I told the Betrthanphil and all he had to say was..................
Sick read (while laughing)! This was the tournament he won there.
GTA Poker
Dead Money;344952 wroteMine was at a MTT at the GBH.
I raise with A2 double suited in clubs in the cutoff and get called by the SB and BB. The BB almost always donk bets any flop that does not contain a A. I told myself I was going to raise him no matter what the flop.
The flop comes Qc 9s 3c and the SB checks, BB leads out with 1/3 pot. Having the nut draw I raise him and then the SB ships it in. BB thinks for a minute and folds. I call as I have him covered and the cards are turned over.
SB shows 10c Jc and I turn over......A2 of DIAMONDS!!!!! Fuck me! the cards were not even the same colour! I was sure embarrassed.
Anyways the board runs dry for both of us and I win with ace high. Both the SB and BB were pissed.
Later I told the Betrthanphil and all he had to say was..................
Sick read (while laughing)! This was the tournament he won there.
If you were double suited maybe you had clubs as well:)
Said . . . "Deal me in . . ."
GTA Poker;344953 wroteIf you were double suited maybe you had clubs as well:)
Obviously I didn't know what I had.
Meh either way I had ace high. Sweat the small stuff much?
costanza;344886 wroteDon't take this personally but u have the worst screen name I've ever seen lol
You'd be the expert on this, considering you have had 10+ screen names on here.
With respect to dumbest things done at the poker table, most of mine revolve around my redic level of drunkenness (not said proudly).
Requiring stpboy to move my chips for me in and out of pots because I was too drunk to complete the task myself has to take the cake.
Wolffhound;344961 wroteYou'd be the expert on this, considering you have had 10+ screen names on here.
With respect to dumbest things done at the poker table, most of mine revolve around my redic level of drunkenness (not said proudly).
Requiring stpboy to move my chips for me in and out of pots because I was too drunk to complete the task myself has to take the cake.
"compuhard" was genius imo
Milo;344957 wroteSaid . . . "Deal me in . . ."
Obv played a hand I though I was holding on more than a few occasions over the years only to find I made a big oops.
Dead Money;344952 wroteMine was at a MTT at the GBH.
I raise with A2 double suited in clubs in the cutoff and get called by the SB and BB. The BB almost always donk bets any flop that does not contain a A. I told myself I was going to raise him no matter what the flop.
The flop comes Qc 9s 3c and the SB checks, BB leads out with 1/3 pot. Having the nut draw I raise him and then the SB ships it in. BB thinks for a minute and folds. I call as I have him covered and the cards are turned over.
SB shows 10c Jc and I turn over......A2 of DIAMONDS!!!!! Fuck me! the cards were not even the same colour! I was sure embarrassed.
Anyways the board runs dry for both of us and I win with ace high. Both the SB and BB were pissed.
Later I told the Betrthanphil and all he had to say was..................
Sick read (while laughing)! This was the tournament he won there.
Great story! and so were the other ones ITT, but that one made me lol. This was a good idea for a thread.
first live final table. 4 handed. I'm chip leader, my buddy is behind me by 5BB.
before we get to the meat of it lets just say I was tired. I"m a donkey now and I was worse then. I had been running like Jamie Gold to get to the final and then started knocking guys off.
so, I get TJ (I think, something similar), buddy and I limp, sb folds, bb checks through.
flop is J8rag,
I bet out 2/3, buddy calls.
another 8 hits the turn.
I bet out 1/2 pot, my buddy is agitated and shoves, I snap call................ then notice the board has paired.
who the fuck calls with top pair no kicker when they are that far ahead of the two shorties.....and the board is paired!
so I go out in 4th as two hands later I hit the BB and have to push my 5BB with broadway that doesn't get any better over my buddy's pair. 400ish when there was 1600 up top (years ago so numbers aren't quite right but you get the idea)
just glad I didn't suck out on the river as that would have been a sick scene
I went to the casino to watch a basketball game because my cable was out. Let's just say it is hard to concentrate on a close basketball game and a game of poker at the same time. That hour of poker cost me about $350 to watch the game...