5 times during a month starting tomorrow. I've bought this little handy stamp card that allows me to travel to stockholm and back 5 times and Ill be playing tournaments and cashgames. for the tournaments I have a set bankroll of 3000Skr and for cash a roll of 5000Skr which translates roughly to 475 and 750 dollars respectively.
For tourneys Ill be play 500+100 Skr freezeouts and for cash I'll try to stick to as much 10/10 Skr and 20/20 when 10 is not offered. With a limited bankroll of only 5 BIs at 10/10 or 2,5 BI's at 20/20 how would you play if your goal is to limit varience rather than to maximize your hourly?
Anyways, it's a fun little project for me, I'll update this thread and let you know how it goes.
Edit: 20/20 rake is pretty standard 5% rake 100Skr cap but the 10/10 rake is 10% with 60Skr cap. Is this enough of a reason to stay clear of 10/10 or do you feel I can still beat this rake without too much difficulty since the games are so loose?