westside8 I got a fee Wynn and Venetian/Palazzo for anyone interested. Only difference between Venetian and Palazzo is the name of the hotel on the chip.. The rest is the same. Aria not selling chips to non Aria guests until middle of three week at the earliest
JimmyHo you think 100 years from now, one of your long distance relatives is going to spend a weekend wondering around Vegas trying to cash all these chips you collected over the years?
westside8 I got a few Venetian, Palazzo, Aria, Wynn available for anyone interested. I MAY have 1 or 2 extra Bellagio but won't know for a little bit. Claim yours if you want one.
westside8 moose;348327 wroteWant aria thanks. Trade you for MGM if you can get me one? garryc;348329 wroteWes, I'll take one of each including the Bellagio if you have extra Are you going to be at next week's OPT?
garryc no, but I think Wetts is going. I can make arrangements with him to pick them up let me know what I owe you, I can emt it to you
moose westside8;348334 wroteTrade you for MGM if you can get me one? Are you going to be at next week's OPT? Zero chance. May try hard rock.
westside8 moose;348340 wroteZero chance. May try hard rock. That works too - or I'll take a Palace Station off you if you can get me both. MGM sold out I guess?
actyper Anybody know of any cases for chips / coins? Want to put these as well as mint.ca snake coins I got in one
Milo actyper;348362 wroteAnybody know of any cases for chips / coins? Want to put these as well as mint.ca snake coins I got in one http://www.pokerforum.ca/f12/building-case-display-my-chips-17720/
westside8 actyper;348362 wroteAnybody know of any cases for chips / coins? Want to put these as well as mint.ca snake coins I got in one Air Tite capsules maybe for storage?
wildbill7145 I'd love one or two Wes. I can send you $ for chips and mailing costs via p* if that works?