Hey everyone,
Seems like a good idea to introduce myself lol. I live in Guelph Ontario and usually just play online poker and games with friends at home. I love to play Texas hold'em and wish to find more challenging/frequent games to play. Its difficult to get a good amount of people for a home game. I would really like to play in live tournaments or in a regular friendly match. I just cant spend too much money since im still a poor student in university ;) :P lol
Thanks for listening
Welcome to the site.
Card Dead
Welcome and GL.
Not sure of your budget, but Mohawk is probably your closest regular game and now running $1/$2 evenings and weekends and $100 tourneys on Sundays.
Otherwise, you can find several regular games on here within an hour of Guelph.
Oh cool I didn't know that Mohawk had those.. Thanks for the tips!