trigs costanza;343011 wroteAlso I don't get your beef with me, just come off it dude are you fucking serious?
Hellmuth's Mole trigs;343014 wrotelol god damn it. :D Sorry, he just keeps nailing my thoughts....and dirty whores it seems.
[deleted] trigs;343013 wroteare you fucking serious? Yes. Your hatred towards me is borderline insane
trigs costanza;343016 wroteYes. Your hatred towards me is borderline insane does that mean you're going to take me up on my offer of dealing with YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME through pms like i've already suggested multiple times. (you're right, that definitely sounds like i'm the one who's hating).
[deleted] trigs;343017 does that mean you're going to take me up on my offer of dealing with YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME through pms like i've already suggested multiple times. (you're right, that definitely sounds like i'm the one who's hating).
trigs Man why would I keep offering if I didn't mean it. I never understood why you started hating me. I've asked you why but you've always ignored me.
[deleted] I don't have the problem , u do Ur the one that talks shot and I never started the FU trigs shit, so....
trigs costanza;343023 wroteI don't have the problem , u do Ur the one that talks shot and I never started the FU trigs shit, so.... Okay. If you actually think that I seriously feel that you may have problems. I am not trying to make fun of you. At this point I am assuming you have no memory of our history, so not sure where to go from here. Guess it's a truce then?
Hellmuth's Mole costanza;343029 wroteU fuckers betr stop calling me fed ffs If it walks like a duck....
SuitedPair Hobbes;343053 wrote fuck, finally someone did this! I wanted to but it didn't want to seem to obvious. Trigs walking in his sleep and crossing the streams.... hope your events have played themselves out and it's over.
Hobbes SuitedPair;343054 wrotefuck, finally someone did this! I wanted to but it didn't want to seem to obvious. I waited over 24hrs for someone to do this. :D