pokerJAH;342450 wroteif you raise $250 you likely will get a free turn card or take it down on the flop. Can they fold their overpair to any raise? If you just call the $150, what do you expect them to do on the turn? will they bet pot again?
Its really one of those push and pray spots, unfortunately.
My expectation is you raised (or pushed), got called and missed, and now are second guessing your decision.
The reason I posted this hand is simply because I felt it was one of those hands that would generate a good discussion from several different points of view. I'm not regretting how I played it at all, just wanted too see what others would do in that spot.
Once I saw that flop I knew I was a big fave against her range, so I was trying to get it all in with max equity. I had seen her make a couple of big laydowns already, so I knew she could fold to a shove. I also wanted to raise enough to get her committed to the pot, but also make her believe she might have some fold equity if she shoved over top.
So, I made it $450, about half my remaining stack.
V tanks, audibly running through scenarios, declares "He must have a set.", then shoves.
I snap call and when we flip, she looks at me and says, "How do you not have a set?
Board miraculously runs Blank, Blank, and I'm felted. Best part is, she looks over as she rakes in the pot and says, "That's what happens when you play junk like that!" Myself and the good players look at each other and have a little chuckle.