As far as you know, those ten people for sure are guilty (note, AS FAR AS YOU KNOW). How many people currently on death row in North America? I did a google, and have no way of knowing if
this is a credible site, but it claims 3,170. Now, according to
Amnesty International (which I'd argue most non tinfoil hat crowd would agree is a fairly legit site), 130 people have been released from death row after being proven innocent since 1973. 40 years, 130 people, about 3-4 people a year.
According to the
ACLU website:
"A study by Columbia University professor James Liebman examined thousands of capital sentences that had been reviewed by courts in 34 states from 1973 to 1995. ""An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty,"" he said in his conclusion. ""One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.""
So, some math, 3-4 people per year are proven to be innocent despite serving jail time (they mention one guy that was tried and convicted TWICE of the same murder). Now, if that study from ACLU is accurate, that means 5% of all convicted, death row murderers are NOT RESPONSIBLE for what they are about to die for. Further, if the figure of 3,170 people is correct, this would suggest that about 158 people are currently innocent of their particular crime and facing death.
158 people are going to die.
For no reason other than ignorance and the perception of righteous anger. All nicely state sanctioned, government approved, and completely unnecessary.
Further, many of the revealed innocent persons have been in the last 10-15 years in particular, due to the advent of DNA testing. To put that in simpler, more applicable ways, "We have a better tool and understanding to make better decisions now". Cavemen thought fire was magic and thunder was angry gods. Middle ages people thought the mentally ill had the devil in them and red hair signified a witch. 20th century we thought black people should be made to serve, and use lesser amenities than us god-blessed Caucasians.
We learn, we improve, and we make things better. We are better now than we have been in the past. But stubbornly and wantonly refusing to believe the clear evidence, demanding actions that have clearly been proven harmful and ineffective just because you want to is child's logic.
There comes a point where it stops being an opinion. Denying it becomes an act of foolishness and cruelty. I don't want to take cheap shots on this, I don't want this to be me vs. everyone who disagrees because then the message is lost and it becomes "fuck that Mark guy". I say I'm right on this, because the best measure we have, the evidence that is presented to us all, says so. This wasn't my idea, it's not my suggestion, it is how it is. Anyone that disagrees really likes the Emperor's new clothes.