actyper Decided I'm only going to 2 barrell the FTOPS ME $640 * 2 * 1.15 = $1472 - rounded down to $1470 $14.70 per 1% Selling/swapping up to 40% - SOLD OUT actyper on stars/ft actyper AT gmail for emt (1:1) or skrill Go ahead and send now Reserved - 31% Hobbes 2% (paid) WEtts 5% stevekerr 2% (paid) suitedpair 1.5% (paid) pinhead 5% (paid) jdaa 2% (paid) wolffhound 1% (paid) themill 1% djgolfcan 5% swap crazykoby 5% (paid) mudguts 1% (paid) trigs 1% (paid) betrthanphil 9%
SuitedPair 1% shipped FT fuck, shoulda read the details man....sorry mate. Saw Actyper bap with space and jumped the gun
actyper djgolfcan;341953 wroteDo you want to swap 5% AC ? Keep in mind, I only have one entry. Sure but i'll need 10% of your 1 entry for 5% of my 2 entries
actyper SuitedPair;341649 wrote1% shipped FT fuck, shoulda read the details man....sorry mate. Saw Actyper bap with space and jumped the gun I owe you $7.30