djgolfcan no mark up, rounded up for easy calc. Sunday kick-off -109.00 Bigger $5.50 Bigger $8.80 Bigger $22.00 Sunday Storm - $11.00 Bigger $11 Bigger $55 Total $225.00 Selling 30% 2% - $4.50 5% - $11.25 10% - $22.50 Please ship to djgolfcan on Stars. Hobbes - 2% - pd Wildbill7145 - 2% - pd Themill - 2% - pd JohnnieH - 2% - this afternoon Milo - 5% - pd kwsteve - 2% - pd numbnutz - 2% - pd
djgolfcan Tonychanman;341514 wrote2% please if it's not too late, you east coasters wake up so early Sorry, all the tournies had started.
djgolfcan Cashed in the following Bigger $8.80 - $70.98 Bigger $22.00 - $46.72 Bigger $55.00 - $95.07 Total won - $212.77
djgolfcan Since I had so much fun this Sunday, I would like to do it again next Sunday. Same by in amounts, going to exchange the Kick off for the Bigger $109. Essentially we broke even this past week (down a $12). I am willing to keep everyone at the same percentage if you carry over the amount to next Sunday. Let me know in this thread.