Sunday BAP for julesdAA
I'm looking to sell 50% at 1.15 for the following MTTs:
Sun. Dec. 9th:
10:30 FTOPS 17 $129 600k gtd
13:00 Bigger $109 160k gtd
13:30 PartyPoker $215 200k gtd
14:30 Sunday Milly $215 1mill gtd
Total buyins = $668 x 1.15 = $768.20
1% = $7.70
5% = $38.40
10% = $76.80
(semi-rounded for neatness lol)
plz ship to:
fulla_endo on party (preferred)
julesdAA on full tilt (preferred as well)
julesdAA on stars
or emt at
If I decide not to play any of these, the appropriate refunds will be made late Sunday night.
sold so far:
Actyper - 10%
Betrthanphil - 10%
Wetts1012 - 10%
ram_siva1 - 6% (paid)
djgolfcan - 5%
JohnnieH - 3% (paid)
Hobbes - 2% (paid)
Wolffhound - 2% (paid)
TheMill - 1% (paid)
kwsteve - 1% (paid)