Hobbes Decided to play last minute. Tournament is today at 10:00am Buy in is $230. Only selling 40% for this 5% - $11.50 10% - $23.00 Please ship on Stars/FTP to Hobbes614 or EMT to aceofhobbes@gmail.com
Hobbes Rungood squad: DJ - 5% swap JohnnieH - 5% - PD Str82Ace - 5% - PD Jon - 5% = PD Steve 5% - PD Mole - 5%
Hobbes STR82ACE;341246 wroteI'll take 5%..will pay on P* when I get back today if that's alright Booked. thx
Hobbes jontm;341249 wrote5% please. Sending EMT now SteveKerr;341250 wrote5%. Will ship when I get home Hellmuth's Mole;341255 wroteI'll take 5% please. Hopefully a bit of my Brantford rungood rubs off on this BAP. Booked