marban;341351 wrotehow did you do?..trip report?
Was nice to see some forumers out (and put faces to some names)
DJ, Wetts, Mark_77 and dani (not a forumer I think)
Also saw Billy and Donna (I think thats her name) from Buzzard's game.
Ran deep (out in 15th) of a full field of 80.
Player's are generally terrible, folding 6BB stacks.
One guy I had some fun with in #1 seat at my table was the most loose/passive player I've seen. Would call almost any raise pre, call most flops and fold to a double barrel on the turn. if I got any resistance from him I folded. He commented one time about me always betting and I think to myself "that's cause you are always folding". I was able to double barrel him of an AxxA board with JThh.
Never got much going early and by the time the antes hit I was nursing a 20BB stack. just kept stealing to stay alive. I lost a huge part of my stack to a calling station that called down w 87 with 4th pair. My bluff on the river failed. Wish I would have realized sooner how much of a station he was. :(
One thing that sucked was no 150/300 level, went 100/200 to 200/400 w ante.
And then there was poor DJ who could not catch a break.
I'm in the cutoff (8 handed) with 67cc and 12BB. I know the table will not call except for the tops of their ranges. DJ calls me with AT (iirc) flop is xx6, Turn is DJ's T and I call for 6 or 7 on river and get there. :D
My final hand I shipped A7s from mid position with 13BB, every one folds. The BB (who has me covered 2:1 easily) tanks for about a minute then calls a ATs. Guess I had a tighter image than I thought (thank God I did not have to show many hands). Flop OESD but don't get there.
Overall it was a good tourney (wetts loved it more than me :( ) and I am def going to try and play a few next year.